Fahrenheit to Rankine Converter
Welcome to our dedicated tool for seamlessly converting temperatures from Fahrenheit (F) to Rankine (°R). Whether you're a scientist, engineer, or student, this calculator provides quick and accurate results with just a few clicks.
Both Fahrenheit and Rankine are temperature scales commonly used in thermodynamic applications. The conversion from Fahrenheit to Rankine is straightforward:
°R = °F + 459.67
Simply enter the temperature in Fahrenheit (°F) into the designated field. Click "Convert," and the calculator will instantly display the equivalent temperature in Rankine (°R).
Fahrenheit | Rankine | Fahrenheit | Rankine | Fahrenheit | Rankine | Fahrenheit | Rankine |
1°F | 460.67°R | 21°F | 480.67°R | 41°F | 500.67°R | 61°F | 520.67°R |
2°F | 461.67°R | 22°F | 481.67°R | 42°F | 501.67°R | 62F | 521.67°R |
3°F | 462.67°R | 23F | 482.67°R | 43°F | 502.67°R | 63°F | 522.67°R |
4°F | 463.67°R | 24°F | 483.67°R | 44°F | 503.67°R | 64°F | 523.67°R |
5°F | 464.67°R | 25°F | 484.67°R | 45°F | 504.67°R | 65°F | 524.67°R |
6°F | 465.67°R | 26°F | 485.67°R | 46°F | 505.67°R | 66F | 525.67°R |
7°F | 466.67°R | 27F | 486.67°R | 47°F | 506.67°R | 67°F | 526.67°R |
8°F | 467.67°R | 28°F | 487.67°R | 48°F | 507.67°R | 68°F | 527.67°R |
9°F | 468.67°R | 29°F | 488.67°R | 49°F | 508.67°R | 69°F | 528.67°R |
10°F | 469.67°R | 30°F | 489.67°R | 50°F | 509.67°R | 70°F | 529.67°R |
11°F | 470.67°R | 31°F | 490.67°R | 51°F | 510.67R | 71°F | 530.67°R |
12°F | 471.67°R | 32°F | 491.67°R | 52°F | 511.67°R | 72°F | 531.67°R |
13°F | 472.67°R | 33°F | 492.67°R | 53F | 512.67°R | 73°F | 532.67°R |
14°F | 473.67°R | 34°F | 493.67°R | 54°F | 513.67°R | 74°F | 533.67°R |
15°F | 474.67°R | 35°F | 494.67°R | 55°F | 514.67°R | 75°F | 534.67°R |
16°F | 475.67°R | 36°F | 495.67°R | 56°F | 515.67°R | 76°F | 535.67°R |
17°F | 476.67°R | 37°F | 496.67°R | 57°F | 516.67°R | 77°F | 536.67°R |
18°F | 477.67°R | 38°F | 497.67°R | 58°F | 517.67°R | 78°F | 537.67°R |
19°F | 478.67°R | 39°F | 498.67°R | 59°F | 518.67°R | 79°F | 538.67°R |
20°F | 479.67°R | 40°F | 499.67°R | 60°F | 519.67°R | 80°F | 539.67°R |