Newton to Kelvin Conversion
The Newton and Kelvin scales are both used to measure temperature. While the Newton scale is an historical scale, Kelvin is the internationally recognized SI unit for temperature, crucial for scientific applications.
Understanding the Newton Scale
The Newton scale, developed by Sir Isaac Newton, is a historical temperature scale. It's a descending scale where the freezing point of water is 0°N and the boiling point of water is 33°N.
Understanding the Kelvin Scale
The Kelvin scale is the SI unit of temperature, an absolute scale where absolute zero (the lowest possible temperature) is defined as 0 Kelvin (0 K). This scale is widely used in scientific research and engineering.
Converting Newton to Kelvin
To convert a temperature from the Newton scale to the Kelvin scale, follow these steps:
- Convert Newton to Celsius:
- Convert Celsius to Kelvin:
Use the following formula:
Celsius (°C) = Newton (°N) * (100/33)
Use the following formula:
Kelvin (K) = Celsius (°C) + 273.15
By following these steps, you can accurately convert temperatures from the Newton scale to the Kelvin scale.
Latest Newton To Kelvin Conversions
Newton | Kelvin | Newton | Kelvin | Newton | Kelvin | Newton | Kelvin |
1ºN | 276.18K | 21ºN | 336.79K | 41ºN | 397.39K | 61ºN | 458.00K |
2ºN | 279.21K | 22ºN | 339.82K | 42ºN | 400.42K | 62ºN | 461.03K |
3ºN | 282.24K | 23ºN | 342.85K | 43ºN | 403.45K | 63ºN | 464.06K |
4ºN | 285.27K | 24ºN | 345.88K | 44ºN | 406.48K | 64ºN | 467.09K |
5ºN | 288.30K | 25ºN | 348.91K | 45ºN | 409.51K | 65ºN | 470.12K |
6ºN | 291.33K | 26ºN | 351.94K | 46ºN | 412.54K | 66ºN | 473.15K |
7ºN | 294.36K | 27ºN | 354.97K | 47ºN | 415.57K | 67ºN | 476.18K |
8ºN | 297.39K | 28ºN | 358.00K | 48ºN | 418.60K | 68ºN | 479.21K |
9ºN | 300.42K | 29ºN | 361.03K | 49ºN | 421.63K | 69ºN | 482.24K |
10ºN | 303.45K | 30ºN | 364.06K | 50ºN | 424.67K | 70ºN | 485.27K |
11ºN | 306.48K | 31ºN | 367.09K | 51ºN | 427.70K | 71ºN | 488.30K |
12ºN | 309.51K | 32ºN | 370.12K | 52ºN | 430.73K | 72ºN | 491.33K |
13ºN | 312.54K | 33ºN | 373.15K | 53ºN | 433.76K | 73ºN | 494.36K |
14ºN | 315.57K | 34ºN | 376.18K | 54ºN | 436.79K | 74ºN | 497.39K |
15ºN | 318.60K | 35ºN | 379.21K | 55ºN | 439.82K | 75ºN | 500.42K |
16ºN | 321.63K | 36ºN | 382.24K | 56N | 442.85K | 76ºN | 503.45K |
17ºN | 324.67K | 37ºN | 385.27K | 57ºN | 445.88K | 77ºN | 506.48K |
18ºN | 327.70K | 38ºN | 388.30K | 58ºN | 448.91K | 78ºN | 509.51K |
19ºN | 330.73K | 39ºN | 391.33K | 59ºN | 451.94K | 79ºN | 512.54K |
20ºN | 333.76K | 40ºN | 394.36K | 60ºN | 454.97K | 80ºN | 515.57K |
Other Newton Conversions

Newton To Celsius

Newton To Delisle

Newton To Fahrenheit

Newton To Rankine

Newton To Réaumur